Natural Musicians Earplugs

Musicians earplugs offer many advantages including outstanding hearing protection, clear and natural sound quality and less fatigue that results from high noise levels.  They offer the musician clear sound and help to mimic the ear’s natural response to sound.  The sound itself is indistinguishable from the original but is much more soothing and quiet.  While hearing is protected, each tone is clear and concise. 

These amazing earplugs reduce sound via a specialized filtering system which works with the acoustics that are associated the customized ear mold.  The resulting attenuation is flat and smooth and the resonance is about 2700 Hz.  Each type of earplug has a specific attenuation associated with it. 

Earplugs for musicians are custom made for each individual wearer.  The best ones can only be purchased from an audiologist or a hearing instrument specialist.  Licensed hearing professionals can be found in your local yellow pages or by going online.  These earplugs generally cost less than $200, depending on the model chosen. 

Musicians often are exposed to loud music and must wear earplugs to prevent damage to their hearing.  Earplugs for musicians are designed specifically to attenuate certain loud sounds across an audio band.  This, in turn, keeps the bass and treble levels in sync with the rest of the music.  For this reason, earplugs are used by most musicians whenever they are exposed to high-volume levels of music.  

Most professional musicians wear custom earplugs that are made by a hearing professional.  The audiologist first tests the musician’s hearing and then makes a mold of the ear.  A customized earplug is then made using the audiologist’s specifications.  The customized earplug comes with different attenuator capsules that can be inserted by the musician into the earplug as needed.  While these earplugs are quite expensive, they do provide the flattest attenuation and keep outside noise completely isolated.  They give the very best protection when it is needed the most. 

Musicians earplugs are necessary pieces of equipment for anyone exposed to loud music - when  they are playing it or just listening to it.  In order to enjoy music for a lifetime, hearing loss can never be taken lightly.  Protective hearing devices are a must for anyone in the business of making music!

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